Benjamin from Portland is 5 years old. The boy has childhood autism with pronounced negativity, stereotypical behavior, and hyperkinetic behavioral disorders. Benjamin's autism is very severe, and he struggles significantly with self-care skills in his daily life. He does not speak at all, making it very difficult for his family and those around him to communicate. This causes immense stress for both the boy and his loved ones.

With the support of donors, Benjamin attended ABA therapy and speech therapy sessions throughout the past year, which have been a tremendous help for both him and his family. Benjamin has made progress in his self-care skills. Very rarely, his family hears him say the words "Mom" or "Dad." It is impossible to express in words how happy his parents feel in those moments. Currently, Benjamin's negative behavior is also improving. The progress is small, but it is visible and tangible that development is occurring, and everything must be done to help Benjamin move forward and reach his full potential. Specialists recommend intensive ABA therapy sessions four times a week, with each session costing $80, totaling $16,640 for the year. This is a significant expense for the family, and they are seeking our support.

To take Benjamin to his ABA therapy sessions, they must travel 400 km, and it is unimaginable to spend 12 hours on the road to provide their child with the much-needed therapy. Unfortunately, Benjamin's mother is unable to work, and the only breadwinner in the family is his father.

Let’s stand together with Benjamin and his family and support them!